The RELEVANT Nation tells the stories of 50 visionaries under the age of 40 who are living influential, active and passionate lives grown out of their Christian faith. In a series of conversational profiles, the book examines innovators from the worlds of art and entertainment, science and technology, business and social justice. The stories will inspire you to take risks, serve others with greater passion and embrace an influential and fulfilling life.
"There is no better proof of Christ’s Resurrection than the stories-in-progress contained in this volume. Now as ever young people hear his voice, and rise up equipped to do his work."
—Frederica Mathewes-Green, Beliefnet columnist and author of The Illumined Heart: The Ancient Christian Path of Transformation
"Imagine going to a dinner party with fifty of the most interesting younger Christian leaders in the country. Of course, that kind of party would be hard to arrange – because these leaders are so passionately involved in creative and needed projects around the world. So the next best thing – meeting fifty people through the introductions in this helpful and inspiring book.
-Brian McLaren, author/activist (brianmclaren.net)
"It is a profound joy to turn the pages of this book and see so many young people truly living out Christ’s call on their lives. These leaders have taken the Word of God as truth and actually acted upon that conviction. Their example of active service will surely inspire other young leaders in the fight for freedom, truth and justice. Until now, we have only imagined what God might do with this generation. I believe we are now witnessing God’s plan in action, and the proof is on these pages."
-Gary A. Haugen, President and CEO, International Justice Mission
Paperback: 209 pages Publisher: Relevant Books (October 3, 2006) Language: English ISBN-10: 0977616789 ISBN-13: 978-0977616787 Product Dimensions: 7 x 0.8 x 9 inches