The highly-acclaimed HBO series "The Sopranos" is more than a mere mob tale. To misread the show as a glorification of violence or cheap comedy about middle-class America is to not understand it at all. Like all art, it must be interpreted. In doing so, you will find "The Sopranos" provokes the soul and has the potential to be spiritually enlightening.
THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO TONY SOPRANO reveals that "The Sopranos" is much like a biblical parable. It provokes us, challenges us, and pries back the exterior to peek into the darkest parts of our souls. The book explores the many reasons why the show has connected so deeply with American culture and exposes the mysteries of life and faith that emerges just behind the curtains of baked ziti and Armani suits.
Paperback: 159 pages Publisher: Tarcher (August 26, 2002) Language: English ISBN-10: 1585421944 ISBN-13: 978-1585421947 Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.5 x 9.1 inches