RELEVANT Issue #84
Our November/December 2016 issue features a cover story on actor Andrew Garfield and his oscar-worthy performance in one of this year's most important films.
Also Featured In This Issue
Should Humans Go To Mars? The reality of putting human settlements on the red planet is closer than ever. Good idea?
How Is Your Soul? Pastor Judah Smith helps you navigate you tricky emotions,
Director Strange Meet Scott Derrickson, the mastermind writer-director behind Marvel's psychedelic, religiously loaded Doctor Strange.
Should You Chase Your Dream? How do you know when it's time to quit your day job and chase your dreams> Five experts weigh in.
The Cult Of Comparison Lisa Bevere knows the trap, and she understands how to get out.
The Rebirth Of David Crowder One of Christian music's most influential voices has a new project featuring a whole new sound.
The Edges Of Christmas We've sanitized the birth of Jesus. Tim Keller explains how to recover the grittier, true meaning.
Reject Apathy Children in the Global refugee crisis, child malnutrition, Colin Kaepernick;s national anthem protests.
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