RELEVANT Issue #08

RELEVANT Issue #08

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COVER STORY: Can Dwight Howard Save the NBA? Why the Prep Phenom Is Taking on the League

First word- 011

Letters- 013


015- Progressive Culture

019- Life

023- God


027- Statement: Dan Haseltine

029- Statement- Chris Rice

030- Deeper Walk

033- The Revolution: Sweatshops

034- A Transforming Journey 

036- Forgiveness for son of sam

040- Sex work and the savior

042- Pre-wired for worship


045- Statement: John Fischer 

046- Statement: Dave Ramsey

047- Statement: Shellie R. Warren

048- Martial Conflict 

052- Sleeping you way to the top 

054- Making yourself marketable

056- Cover: Dwight Howard and the NBA


063- Statement: Gareth Higgins

064- Thrice

066- Hollywood Gets Saved!

070- The 80's II: Electric Boogaloo

080- Spotlights: MAE, Heather Headley Radient, C-Rayz Walz

096- The last Page