RELEVANT Issue #53
COVER STORY: This generation is unlike any other: we’re passionate but cynical, visionary but struggling, connected yet more distant than ever. Twenty- and thirtysomethings have put their stamp on the world, and the world is watching. But how are we affecting our cultures, our churches and our families? And what are the effects of new technologies, ideas and trends on our generation? For this story we teamed up with the Barna Group to look at the data—and to figure out the truth about our generation of contrast.
18- First Word
20- Letters
22- Slices
38- Spotlight: Krotchet Kids
40- In Their Words: DeVon Franklin
42- Deeper Walk: Why Settle for Less?
44- The Pulse: In the defense of slow
46- Reject Apathy: Beyond Fourth Grade
50- The Drop: Us & Our Daughters, Head and the Heart, Bill Callahan
56- Is Fair Trade Fair?
60- Jimmy Fallon
64- (Almost) Everyone's Doing it: Why are most single christians having sex?
70- Owl City
72- The Non-Essential Guide to Fall: Fashion, Fun and football (of the fantasy variety)
76- Death Cab For Cutie: The band is finally happy-butnot too happy
80- The Generation of Contrast: An in0depth look at what makes our generation tick
92- 9/11 10 years later
98- Vera Farminga
100- Don't Quite Your Day Job...Yet: Practical ways to chase your dreams in the real world
104- Zee Avi
106- Reconciling the God of Love with the God of Genocide
114- Recommends