RELEVANT Issue #39

RELEVANT Issue #39

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COVER STORY: Sex, God and Rock ‘n’ Roll: A look at the controversial spiritual and musical journey of Kings of Leon. They’ve finally hit it big back home in the States, but has this uniquely American rock band lost their old-fashioned Southern morals?

06- First Word

08- Letters

10- Slices

22- The Pulse: Skye Jethani

24- Worldview; Adam and Christine Jeske

26- Counter Culture

28- Reject Apathy: Floresta

30- Spotlights: Does it offend you, yeah? No kids, Tyler Ramsey

36- Rise of the ironic class: Today's twenty somethings view the world through irony-tinted Ray-Bans

40- Toms Shoes: Q & A with founder Blake Mycoskie

44- Cover Story: Kings Of Leon: They've finally made it big back home in the states

52- A Stealthy Enemy: Sloth-the deadly sin that can affect your life in surprisingly subtler ways than just laziness  

58- Darfur: Leslie Jorgenson is changing perspectives in the war-torn region

60- Overtreated: With so many medicinal options in the world today, who needs God?

64- M.Ward: The Musician discusses timeless music and capturing moments in

68- Just War: Two experts debate the theories of just war vs. just peacemaking

74- Summer Reading Guide

90- Relevant Recommends