Postmodern Bible Stories
You probably have a Bible in your house, whether you’re interested in the stuff on its crinkly pages or not. We all have Bibles—believers and non-believers, conservatives and liberals, carnivores and vegans, gas guzzlers and hybrid fans— because the Good Book is, by far, the most-owned book of all time. And probably the least read. Admit it, you’ve heard all the stories about Noah (ark) and Jonah (whale) and Baby Jesus (manger), but that’s about it, right?
Still, the Bible shows up everywhere in our culture. In our language, our law, our entertainment, and especially our art. From Michelangelo to Rembrandt to Keith Haring, artists the world over have applied their vision to all kinds of biblical passages and themes, bringing ancient words to life. In this project, that tradition continues. Some of the best illustrators and designers in the world contribute their interpretations of those familiar passages we often take for granted. The results are striking, risk-taking, illuminating. Inside, along with the illustrations, you’ll also find brief insights by the artists themselves about the subject matter. More than a work of art, Postmodern Bible Stories is also a spiritual conversation. This is Scripture like you’ve never seen it before.
Marcelo Baldin, Violaine Barrois, Paul Cayrol, Chris M. Collenberger, Rex Crowle, Matt Curry, Amarilys David, Nigel Dennis, Jon Di Venti, Alejandro Fuentes, Sadi Guran, Andy Hayes, Reece Hobbins, Craig Howell, Ryan James, Dan Janssen, Jeremy Kennedy, JESTER, Chris Koelle, Dominik Kruger, John Leigh, Mklane, Jeremy Prasatik, Shawn Romano, Mark Sgarbossa, Ryan Skjervem, Ric Stultz and Kory Westerhold
Cards: 45 pages
Publisher: Relevant Books (April 1, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0976817519
ISBN-13: 978-0976817512
Product Dimensions: 6.7 x 0.6 x 5.4 inches